Buku ini berisi mengenai, teori dan metodologi BPM, studi kasus BPM di perusahaan Jepang dan Korea, serta penelitian tindakan BPM di perusahaan kecil dan menengah Jepang
Buku ini berisi mengenai, pengantar manajemen proses bisnis, identifikasi proses, dasar-dasar permodelan proses, permodelan proses lanjut, penemuan proses, analisis proses kualitatif, analisis proses kuantitatif, desain ulang proses, process-aware information system, implementasi proses dengan model yang dapt dieksekusi, pemantauan proses, serta BPM sebagai kapabilitas perusahaan
This book contains, about james, a brief history of franchining, briefly, take the franchise quiz, explained: the franchise business model with benefits, are you right or wrong for franchise ownership? reviewing the quiz's results, search for a franchise, do we have a match? show me your money, should you have one of the those free franchise consultations? it all comes down to your franchise re…